Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Thursday 9 July 2009

T(ommy) In The Park!!!

Officially renamed by sponsor, Tennents Brewery, this year T In The Park becomes known as Tommy In The Park. The festival begings tomorrow when we arrive in transit to cut the tape and declare the festival open and the beer taps on.

To put my day today in persective for you last Sunday morning I arrived at a rave at 6.45am. Today I got out of bed at 6.45am. I was on a train from Euston at 8.30am and in a rehearsal at 1pm. Which one do think was my favourite 6.45?

Tommorrow starts a busy weekend full of press interviews, secret shows for compition winners and then a headline slot on Sunday on the T Break Stage. I'm excited. T isn't my favourite festival, anyone who knows me knows that, but for Scottish festival goers and Scottish acts it is the biggest and for that reason I am so excited about playing. I'll let you all know how it goes next week.

To celebrate the start of festival season here is my list of essential list of festival gear.........

1 Wellies
2 Waterproof Jacket
3 Festival shorts
4 Festival hat(s)
5 Sunnies

1 Vitamin B
2 Water
3 Fruit (do you believe me?)

For the gig
1 Hair gel/spray
2 The dangerous jeans
3 Sticks
4 Attitude! :-)

It basic but it'll do I reakon.

In other news today Gary and I gave ouselves new nicknames. I am "Snake-hips McIvor" and he is "Swedger Two thrusts". I thought long and hard about his new name and to break it down for you the first word is his hobby and the last bit refers to his longevity.

Anyway it's bed time so get it roon ye
M xx

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