Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Friday 17 July 2009

I might try voyeurism...

200 views!!! I know that most of them are probably me but they can't all be!

This week I am venturing into the wonderful world of video diarism. I've been doing things for the first time quite alot lately... TITP, being on the TV, getting published and last night I went to a restaraunt by myself for the first time... quite an exilerating experience.

So I want to talk today, a little bit, about the video diary. I've been asked to do it by Lyndsey Oliver who is the fanastic person that agreed to put my writing on her website, www.wristband4festivals.com. My heart skipped a beat when I read the email because it's not something I've ever thought about doing but it'll be great fun.

Now I'm technologically impotent so I've had to practice.... yep that image in your head is correct. I have been sitting in my living room talking to my mobile phone on my own but it has served a purpose. I needed to make sure I could get it on to my computer, try doing a bit of basic editing and make sure I was using the camera the right way around (which I wasn't at first!).

I've also made a bit of a plan. This weekend I'll do an introduction to me and the lads. I have a pretty good idea what I am going to film and it'll be as cool as flip. Next weekend I'm going to do something a bit different... the ideas are keeping me awake at night...

If anyone has any suggestions about what they would like to see please let me know and I'll see what I can do...

In other news I have started following a new blog with no writing on it. It'll be good when he gets his arse in gear.... GO BIFF!

Lot a love
M xx


  1. Hey, ive hurd alot about you from my granny and that, your really good. Turns out im related to you in some way lmao! Think its my grannys [roma]brother or someone your related to lol.I dno but yeah glad to see your doing great! :) keep up the good work

  2. This is how easy it is to write a comment! n00b!!!


  3. To Kelly

    I know who you are! Your Granny is a lovely woman! Roma is my Grandad Tom's sister, he is my absolute favourite person in the world! I'm so glad you left a message here and read my blog but I am sorry it took me so long to reply but I 've fixed the problem now!

    Keep in touch
    Matty xx

  4. Its okay.
    im sorry i took so long to reply im really busy at the moment lol.
    You really should get facebook or somthing :)
    give me an email or somthing.
    glad to see your doing well for yourself.
