Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Friday 28 August 2009

Swine flu...

I've kicked fuck out of swine flu. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I was floored for a day or two but now it's run away and just left me with a belter of a cough.

Helen has been amazing! She stayed home on Wednesday to look after me... she absolutely loved it I think! She made me M&S soup and toast, went to pick up my drugs, fluffed my pillows, made me tea, check my temperature and gave me hugs when I was being a little girl. I love Helen :-) xx

Now, I've done been soppy. Back to man chat... I was brought up in a place where leafs still came through the taps and we had to catch our dinner, it was well 'ard, so I have a pretty good immune system so I'm not ill very often. So I had to figure out how to fill my time....

Being in quarantine means I've had the chance to catch up on some amazing stuff. I'm as out of my tit's on Quincy ME and X Files as I am on Tamiflu. I watched Miss Potter yesterday and finished my "Cornwall's History" book. I've been reminded just how boring News 24 is, how much I hate Richard Hammond, how funny that Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones darts sketch is from Not The Nine O'Clock News and I've had a new chance to watch Scanner Darkly and try and understand it this time.

..... And I've discovered a hidden old gem called Home to Roost staring John Thaw. John Thaw is a legend and this little sit-com is a belter.

My head feels a little bit clearer today although I'm still struggling to concentrate. But I've had a go at a bit of writing and if I can I'm going to do some work. I might watch Flight of the Navigator too... and maybe the Corpse Bride and do a bit of research for my book... we'll see.

Now I'm knackered.
MM xx

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