Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Tuesday 18 August 2009

So far in Cornwall...

We've been in Cornwall for a few days now and I'm loving it. We are staying at the 5 star Rosehill Lodges in Porthtowan, which I believe is on the North bit of the leg. We are about 10 minutes away from Truro where we played on the last tour. We have a hot tub on the veranda nd a king size bed in each room. It is set peacefully about 10 minutes walk from the beach where, on Thursday morning, I am going for a surfing lesson.

Yesterday we went to the Eden Project. It is a futuristic Eco-friendly park built on the sight of an old clay quarry with two huge Biomes (one which was used in a James Bond film a few years back!) one filled with the Mediterranean habitat and the other a tropical rain forest, complete with ants! They are designed to educate us on what we are doing wrong, how to put that right and what we can do as an alternative. It serves to inspire and encourage rather than frighten us into action. It's kinda nice. We happened to pass one Eco-warrior telling a group of young children how to light fire with sticks and how to most effectively use doc leaf to fight a nettle sting. It's all interesting stuff!

On Sunday we visited Predieux Place in Padstow. It's a massive stately home was completed in 1592 and has the same front door today as it had then. Even the same lock and key. The Predieux family (Now known as the Predieux-Brunes) can trace there ancestry back to the crusades in the 11th century. In fact, I believe our tour guide told us that the present Master is William the Conqueror's 15 times great grand son. The family also owns the oldest herd of fallow deer in the country which can be traced back to when the Roman's were here. It is thought that this herd were enclosed in 435AD and legend states that when the deer die out so will the family.

The most amazing thing for me was in the library though. Among the many amazing first editions there are hand written copies of the first two editions of Dr Samuel Johnson's dictionary.... they must take the prize. I nearly fell over. I know you don't care.

I have fallen in love with a new type of cheese as well. Cornish Yarg it is called. It's a semi-hard cheese hand wrapped in nettle leaves and goes great on a Ryvita. I had some with a glass of rouge the other night and watched Morse. I'm getting old and I love it!

On the way down here we stopped at a Little Chef. The only reason I'm telling you this is because it was the Little Chef in Popham that has been recently revamped by Heston Blumental. The menu was pretty sweet and Michael and I took down the "Olympic Breakfast". Fuck you Olympic Breakfast.

Even before we got to Little Chef I saw the most amazing sight. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet I'm a history geek. I'm a dam cool, sexy and rock'n'roll pop star but I am also a freaky geek. We drove past Stone Henge!!!!!!! I nearly shat. We couldn't stop which sort of broke my heart. What also broke my heart was the fact that we were driving past thousands of years of history. Driving past it. It should be left well alone if you ask me. We've nae respect.

Roon ye
That's enough for now
MM xx

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