Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Monday 8 June 2009

T4 Special!!!!

How many people does it take to make a TV show?? Lots apparently. . .

At 10am on Tuesday 2nd of June we were delivered by a flustered taxi man to a roof top on Bricklane... My television debut had begun! Upon our arrival a cool wee dude (I think called Luke) was handing out bottles of water to an already sweaty bunch, it was about 30 degrees. Tommy Rizle was screaming his way through "Gimme a Call" whilst we all looked on and a couple of guys walked around with their camera's. It was a strange specticle and everybody treats you so nicely.

After the initial singing and dancing we were hoisted to an even greater height where a lovely Scottish lady from Aberdeen insisted that we needed to wear make-up. Now I'm not going to lie... I have worn make-up before, just never in front of anyone. After Tommy had been interviewed on his own, co-stars Gordon and I, were summoned in front of a camera to be introduced to the T4 kids. When you realise there are two television camera's in front of you strange things start going through your mind and I became very conscious that everything I said and did was being recorded. It's a bit like that feeling you get when you walk in a room and everyone goes quiet and looks at you. Except you're walking into a thousand living rooms and bedrooms on a sunday morning. Very bizarre.

After that it was into another car and across London again (via a music shop, because guess who forgot to pack his drum sticks?) to Princess Productions where the T4 studio is. After an M&S Chicken Caeser salad and an emergency energy drink we went to film the playing of the songs. How cool is this? I got to choose the drum kit I played on the tele and have it delivered to the studio and set up for me (how mad is that!!!!) by a nice guy from John Hendry rentals. I went for my dream vintage Ludwig kit in a silver sparkle finish. After a few minor adjustments the camera was rolling again and we did a few takes... hang on, they don't call it a "take" like they do in the movies, they call it a "pass".... go figure.

Afterwards Tommy did a studio interview with Miquita, who is even hotter in real life boys and talked about life after the unsigned show. Bits about the singles and making the album with Mr Butler and a bit about not getting dropped by the label. And like that we were done. I hope you all get to see it. It was a magic day for me. I just feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a great opportunity and to meet so many great folks along the way makes it even better...

Who'd of thought eh?!
M xx

Ps We would all like to hear what you guys think of us.. So if you've seen us play or have put any videos on Youtube let me know so we can check them out!!!

Lots of love x

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