Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Saturday 27 June 2009

Rest In Peace Mr Jackson.

This has been a tragic week in music. We lost Michael Jackson. Love him or hate him he is, without doubt, one of the best and most influencial musicians ever to have walked the earth. Although his life in recent years has been plagued with controvercy it will be his legendary dancing and cross-over music which should, rightly, live on forever. He was the very definition of an entertainer, a very limited breed and perhaps he will be the last real pioneer. For me he represented the extreme musical genius that very few people are ever able to achieve. Perhaps they are right though when they say that genius is very close to maddness. Even so I will miss him.


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