Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Sunday 21 June 2009

Rockness... hell yes!!!

The most insane day of my life!!!! We left Glasgow at 7am to take a few thousand people to pleasure town. I mean I could sit hear now and give you a play by play of the whole day but that would bore me and you so I'll just shoot for the best bits.

When we arrived, at about 12 bells, we were sent to our dressing room which was only next to Placebo's dressing room... so that was a normal start to any day obviously...!!!! Then I got told off by Iain because I let the side down by forgetting a vital bit of kit which meant I couldn't put the brand new Tommy Reilly drum skin on my kit which Iain had had courriered up especially from London. I was not popular. We figured we ought to have a quick look at the stage we were about to play on... the band before us were the Magistrates I think... a great band but there was nobody watching... that made me a bit nervous I'll be honest. I certainly had been looking forward to this show and the last thing any of us wanted was for nobody to be watching. It was a big day for us.

The way it works at these big festival shows is that the drums are set-up on a "rolling riser" while the band before you are on. That means it's set up right for me and when that band come off my drums a literallly rolled on to the stage, locked in position and left. Very cool if you care about that kinda thing. Meanwhile, while the boys are taking care of that we are backstage getting our game faces on (lemon face, lion face styley) and I was praying that we weren't going to be playing to an empty field. Then, as if from nowhere, starting as a faint whisper and developing in to a thunderous roar, a "Tommy, Tommy, Tommy f*%king Reilly" chant from the crowd sent more eagles than butterflies in to my belly. As we walked on the noise nearly knocked me off my feet and the scale of what was about to happen sunk in. The rest was just a very noisy pop concert. I've never hit the drums harder in all my days. And, as if rehearsed, during the break in "Grab Me By The Collar" a dude threw a football at me and he actually hit the kit! I stopped to threw it back. appaerntly I was on the big screen at the side of the stage... me!! HAAAA!

It was wicked man we got a pile of love. I felt like we were playing a real show. I mean the Prodigy were on just a handfull of bands after us! THE PRODIGY!!!!! I learned to play the drums along to "Fat of the Land" when I was a kid and now I was them arrive in a bright orange helicopter man... how cool is that?... to play on the same stage as me. To give you an idea of the scale I've put some nice piccys in for you. I took some and Darren "one piece" Hawkins took some.

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