Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Friday 15 May 2009

Q..Why do guitarists leave drum sticks on the dashboard?

Another week of hangovers and rehearsals, Fast Hands birthday and then invention of the Brown Smoke cocktail. We have added the third member to our stage outfit and learned a festival and a show set. The beauty of it is just how fast it all came together. Mr Skene (as he will be known from here on) in the picture with a cello has exceptional chat... he does a mean Old Greg and he looks a bit like Germain Clement... and he ain't a bad musician, I guess.

On Monday we went to see an awesome electro band from Canada called Holy Fuck which was wicked and I reckon we might have a lampy to take to a few festivals with us which will be dynamite.... Do you know what I've forgotten what went on most of this week because it has been a bit hectic and I've got a cold. I think I got high on Vocalzones yesterday though... it's thanks to sod's law that the very day we were due to start working out harmonies I wake up with a sore throat. Can you believe it!?!

Anyway I need to go and have a shower and then I'm going to a wedding in Shaftsbury so I'm outta here for now. If I do remember anything worth telling you I'll write somemore before next week.

Oh, crap, aye we got the radio promo's in for Jackets and they look great and the first single went to radio! How could I forget?! Except someone forgot to choose one logo and stick to it but there you go... Also I got some Bongo's and a stand which we will use in a song or two just to mix it up a bit. I also decided I HAVE GOT to learn how to play the trumpet again so I can keep up with these two overly musicians I'm in a band with! I've started to feel like the punchline to every drummer joke ever invented and I refuse to be justification for prejudice.

Much love... I'm off to pack my James Bond suit
M xx

A..So they can park in disabled

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