Welcome to Matty McIvor's Blog

This blog is aimed at keeping everyone up-to-date with what I'm doing, where I've been and who I've met.  Unlike the other pieces I write it is designed to be personal and a little bit cheekier.  I hope you enjoy it and if you'd like send me a message, it's always fun to chat!

MM xx  

Wednesday 29 April 2009

A wee up-date...

So I've been in Scotland town since Sunday and we have been practicing and auditioning bass players. So far we haven't decided on a bassist and to be totally honest we are both really happy with how things are sounding with just the two of us. So tomorrow night it's King Tuts Wah Wah Hut. I have stepped up from three songs to eight and possibly even nine and that is pretty much the whole set. We also have a new electric guitar for taking down some filthy riffs and I am very, very excited!!!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about the tour as well and I really hope to see the lot of you somewhere along the way.

Much Love
M x

Friday 24 April 2009

The Album is done!

Well boy and girls the album is finished and I'm super proud to tell you that its first play was right here in my very own swanky north London pad. It sounds great I think we are all very excited about what the summer holds. We got a list of dates for the next couple of months which will be announced soon I reckon and we're going to get this bad boy on the road.

The last couple of days have been spent rehearsing in the studio and I'm now taking down 6 delightful ditties and I'm going to do some percussion on a couple more. We are auditioning bass players next week to so it's all changing.

Anyway thats it for now its just a quick up date for you. I'll be back in touch when there is something to report.

Love M x

Sunday 19 April 2009

RIGHT.... I'm gonna be honest tonight was fucking strange.  I tried these in ear monitors for the first time and I can't really decide if they ruined my gig or made it.  Sound was great but I lost the sensation of all the screaming wee girls... although apparently I'm sexy.  Go figure!  I don't have the slightest urge to take any of these girls down like Tommy and Smoke do but by christ the chat can be good... if only I could man up a bit I reckon I could almost pull this rock/pop/folk star shit off.  

Big kudos to the wee thing in the pink hot pants tonight... You did not get what you deserved.

Love M xx

Ps.. Is this any better Biff?!  

Glasgow town man!!

Man I need to get a wee note pad!  So much happens each night and I think to myself "that'll be great for the blog" .... and then I forget.  

I have decided that Glasgow is the best town in the world though.  The QMU last night was packed.  I think there was nearly 600 in and I'm fairly sure at least one girl crying in the front row.  Glasgow being Glasgow though a couple of idiots ruined it for themselves by fighting in the crowd and one guy got himself kicked out by running on stage.  If you ever come to a show and you're expecting an acoustic gig you have bought the wrong ticket.  The energy is more like a full on rock show and the fans are just as mental.  And do you know what amazes me most?  How loud the crowd can sing!  It's deafening!

But I'm not on long enough yet!!!!!  It's so frustrating!!!! It's like I sit down, get that buzz, get all pumped up and then it's over... it's a bit like being in a strip club.

For me, though, last night was the first time I really felt I'd arrived.  The crowd went mental when I went on and I think the size of venue meant that the drums really added something to the gig for the first time to so I felt more comfortable.  

I really want to be able to show what it is like sitting where I sit during the gig.  So, as you can see, I have taken a few snaps.  This is my office man it's funny.  I'm such a lucky sod man.   

After the show we went to the Research Club for the after show party and I got to see some old friends which was wicked.  My favourite Techno heavy DJ Andy Blip was playing and Ross Clark did a few tunes.  All in all it's not a bad way to make a living!

I wanna say a quick hello to my cousin Pete who I'm told has been reading this wee blog.... Hey Pete, tell your mum I love her! 
M xx

Saturday 18 April 2009

Brown Smoke...

Brown Smoke is a powerful being.  He looks like he could eat a baby and he probably scares Jesus.

Yesterday we were in Stirling.  It was another very busy show probably about 250 but I think they were a slightly harder crowd than London.  Tommy shined anyway and went down a storm.  I think the strangest thing for me so far, apart from the crazy fans, is needing security.  I don't need it obviously but I get to watch from the side lines as Tommy mania goes on all around.  I am totally amazed at how well he handles it to.  Nothing has gone to his head and nothing seems to phase him.  

After the show he went to meet a few fans and (this is the truth!) I think everyone in the venue lined up for an autograph and picture... he was at it for well over an hour I reckon!

For me I still feel a bit like these gigs are just a small warm up for touring in the summer when I'm playing more songs and we have a bit more of a band.  I really can't wait to be on stage for a bit longer and really get involved. 

Anyway tonight is 600 more loons in Glasgow town! I haven't played in my home city for the heavier part of a year so I'm excited.... think I might wear my Lion Rampant on stage..... 

Wednesday 15 April 2009

My opening night

Wow! What an opening night. I was feeling the pressure but I reckon I just about got away with it.  His record company didn't slay me and Mark (manager) said "yeah, it was good", and I know from experience that that's about all you can ever ask for from a manager.

Tommy has the most insane wee fans.  We went for dinner after sound check and made the mistake of going out the front door and it took us 20mins to walk 10 yards...

We also got a tour bus complete with a crash bed, DVD player and playstation!  Has anyone ever noticed how amazingly relaxing the default playstation music is?   

Highlight of the night was meeting Bernard Butler (and it was him who introduced himself to me!!!!) Get it right up ye! :-) and meeting some fans and signing some autographs was wicked.

I'll get better at this bloging chat as I figure out how to use it properly to keep you all posted.

Much love Matty xx